Quattro Constructors

Partnering for Success

Old Norrish Creek Intake Decommissioning

Project Description

The Old Norrish Intake Decommissioning Project proved to be both challenging and fulfilling, incorporating in-stream activities, river diversions, the removal of an existing concrete weir, and the construction of a new concrete intake structure with embedded stoplog gates.

Quattro's Role

Facing challenges early on, Quattro navigated the feasibility of a phased design for project completion. The two-phase strategy involved aligning weir demolition with intake structure construction in phase one and completing the remaining weir removal with a new concrete cap installation in phase two.

In the initial diversion phase, the civil crew addressed complexities such as minimum water flow requirements through the old intake gates and challenges posed by the new intake chamber’s placement 3 meters below the existing riverbed. Meticulous planning ensured successful foundations, precise sills installation with a tolerance of +-0.25mm, and innovative efficiency systems for accurate intake gate placement.

Simultaneously, weir demolition and riverbed lowering occurred, followed by the commissioning of the intake chamber and new Coanda screen. The subsequent diversion facilitated the decommissioning of the old intake and weir demolition. Post-demolition, meticulous installation of dowels and rebar preceded the final concrete pour. The project concluded with the removal of dam bags and riverbed material before rising creek water levels restricted access, finalizing tasks with the installation of miscellaneous items like access ladders and handrails.

Project Highlights

  • River diversion
  • Demolition of existing structures
  • Riprap placement
  • Instream works
  • Detailed sequencing and planning
  • Coanda screen replacement
  • New intake chamber & retaining construction with embeds and stoplogs
  • Concrete formwork & placement efforts


Dewdney, BC 


City of Abbotsford


Bridges & Structure

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